Primary Markets for Vape

The initial supply of VAPE will be able to be acquired solely through four different primary markets. The establishment of four markets is a key enabler of game theory concepts that we believe setup this new token economy for long-term success, resilience, and longevity.

We’re excited to introduce four exciting and diverse ways to earn VAPE:

  1. Genesis Pool

  2. Liquid Staking

  3. Enhanced Staking

  4. Stratosphere Rewards

The establishment of four markets ensures a multi-dimensional economy can grow and thrive around the VAPE token. Four distinct value experiences, each with their own sets of rules, mechanics, and potential strategies.

The more distinct strategies that can be devised, the more resilient an asset is to negative market forces. As one strategy turns unprofitable or over-crowded, another strategy offers a better experience — helping offset negative forces with demand driven by the remaining relevant strategies.

To this end, we have designed the Genesis Pool and Liquid Staking markets to be our simplest and least mechanic-heavy markets. While they require less time, attention, and strategy to participate in — they will not be quite as rewarding as Stratosphere and Enhanced Staking, which offer a whole new way to experience and enjoy DeFi.

We’ll walk through each of these primary markets in short order later in this article — as well as a detailed dedicated article for each market shortly before it’s brought online to the community.

Last updated