How to see your soul bound NFT from Stratosphere

You can add the NFT as a token into Metamask on the wallet you used to mint it. To add it to Metamask click import token and add this contract:


On the last row you can put any number kind of, just add 0.

It will show like this in Metamask

If you click it you get the transaction in there as well

it will show the transaction on the device you used Metamask when you minted it and a second install on phone for example will not show it since Metamask is not looking for old transactions, that is why if you do transaction with the wallet on PC it will not show the transactions on the same seed phrase install you have on your phone for example.

Only the wallet that created the soul bound NFT can add it to Metamask as a token since it is the owner of the NFT and the secondary wallets you may link will not be able to.

Also if you get an error saying you are not the owner then it is due to people trying to use "Import NFT" and they need to use "Import Token".

You can also view on most NFT marketplaces

Go to Opensea/ NFT trader/ or any other platform known for AVAX NFT's. connect your wallet and it should be in "collected" or "hidden" NFTS. If it's not showing an image, click into the nft and then REFRESH the Metadata.

Last updated