Reward Distribution Model

The USDC rewards earned through VAPE Liquid Mining will ultimately come from fees obtained through the use of Vapordex but while the team is working to develop cross-chain capabilities and other features that will help to drive DEX volume they wanted to ensure that VAPE Liquid Mining was attractive from the very start. With this in mind the team decided to infuse the USDC rewards pool with $50,000 from the sale of treasury assets.

The VaporFi team also wanted to provide the community with the opportunity to choose what kind of distribution model would be used to emit the USDC rewards. Their were three distribution models that were proposed and voted on. The one that received the most votes was a model which started with slightly lower emissions but which incriminatingly increases over time with a slight decay. This means that USDC rewards will continue to increase over a period of 373 days before it reaches max emissions.

Last updated